Tuesday, July 5, 2011


HOME  FURNITURE. At first we need to know a little about the basic materials used in the manufacture of furniture mean that furniture we choose for our home furniture design. Because like some of traders say that there is quality there is a price. Do not get disappointed later on to choose home furniture, we've turned out to pay expensive furniture that we receive using a cheap raw material.
Here are some materials for the manufacture of furniture from the most expensive to least expensive.
* Solid wood. Solid wood is the strongest base material than wood, but due to the volume of planting and felling of trees that are not balanced coupled with illegal logging which cares nothing for reforestation, displaced solid wood supply is limited and more expensive than wood.
* Plywood.
Plywood is a common base material used for making furniture. The price is relatively cheaper than solid wood. Plywood is a wood that is relatively stronger than other types of wood such as hdf, mdf, block board or particle board. Plywood base material is bark that is layered and pressed. Plywood is usually covered with bark of teak, pine or other bark. With better quality than other processed wood, causing the plywood furniture with materials having higher prices than other processed wood.
* Block board. Block board has a price slightly cheaper than plywood as well as its quality. The material is essentially similar to plywood.
* MDF. MDF can be used for those of you who have limited budged . The price is also slightly cheaper than plywood and block board. MDF is a processed fine sawdust like thick paper material and solid .  MDF is typically used in fabricating furniture sold in the form of already "finished", usually outer layer of paper is textured.  Mdf or hdf widely used as a base for imported furniture.

Regardless of the basic materials used for furniture of our choice, the outer surface must be at the finish so it looks beautiful. There are various types of styles of finishing materials, among others: Finishing touch by Melamix , Duco Paint  and Laminate. The inside of the cabinet is usually coated with melamix materials .  The inside of  the cabinet that using a glass door is not coated by melamix , but it better if coated with the same material by coating the outside of the cabinet. It will make the  inside of the cabinet  look beautiful too.
Finishing Melamix is ​​a method of spraying a melamix liquid as finishing on the surface of the furniture can be a matte finish or glossy.
Color can vary, usually consisting of natural wood colors, because the finishing systems used melamix in interior design to furniture who want to show the impression of natural wood fibers.
Duco  paint  is a method of spraying paint on the surface of Home Furniture.
Colors may vary with options as diverse as pastel colors and natural. Wood fiber on the furniture will not be visible if using duco, because it will close with a solid color of paint itself. Usually duco painting  in home furniture or interior design is used to display the impression of dynamic, elegant and modern room.
Laminate is a method of finishing the interior or home furniture with glue the furniture surface by coating materials.
Coatings are commonly used include HPL, Tacon, decosit, supercon and PVC. Among the four coatings, the HPL's most expensive, followed by Tacon, decosit, and last supercon PVC.

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